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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Power of 21- A secret to accept the change with in us.

Wow! A habbit of reading books is really awesome:

Yesterday night, i was reading a book which talks about the power of 21:

~ It  states, it takes 21 days to create a new habbit.

~ Most people give upon creating a positive change when they experience stress and pain.

~ Change is always painful and is associated with repalcing old habits with new one.

~ New habits are like new pair of shoes. They will be painfull initially and become like second skin later.

~ Take time to study your personal habit and promise make new changes. Commit to the changes for 21 days. The results will be far more than expected.

~ Quality of life is measured by the nature of our habits.

~ We first make our habits and our habbit makes us.

After reading this chapter, i discovered few habits that are to be changed. The 21 day count starts from today.


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